Yesterday I was so bored with invigilations that I found myself glancing out the windows each time an LRT train passed by in the distance, timing its frequency. Hehe... talk about necessitated idleness. There was one every 5 to 6 minutes in each direction at first and toward midday it was more frequent. Like 3 to 4 minutes :) Today was equally boring.
Anything can drift into your mind when you're invigilating. From thinking about what you're going to have for dinner, to the style you're going to cut your hair into, to the laundry you haven't got done, to having internal monologues with God, to contemplating the meaning of life, to trying to solve the infinite mysteries of the universe and more!
Once I produced a whole poem just standing, staring, waiting for the students as they sweated it out over their papers. Because you can't do anything else except sit or stand or walk around slowly. You're not exactly distracted, you're still watching them, still scrutinizing, but this appear to be the outcome of your usually multi-tasking faculties being so under-utilized in the absence of noise, activity and movement, as opposed to your usual day-to-day chaos and racket!
Stuck in the emptiness of a peopled room, can't talk, not supposed to sms, can't read, can't sleep, can't daydream, can't anything! you're left with only the activities of your thoughts.
But this can be good. Not all the time of course but now and then it's good for you. Intrapersonally so.
So what's on tomorrow?
08.10am to 09.25am: Physics 1 (1 & 1/4 hours)
10.00am to 12.30pm: Physics 2 (1 & 1/2 hours)
02.00pm to 03.30pm: Physics 3 (1 & 1/2 hours)
*Gulp* It's going to be another long day...
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