Thursday, October 2, 2008

I'm Electric

Usually after driving and when I get out of the car, I often get (static) electric shocks when I touch the outside handle of my car door. And you can even hear the electrons snapping. Sometimes I even get it a second time when I touch the gate to open it.

Funny. But can get quite annoying though. Especially when it's extra painful sometimes. I guess when the voltage is extra high. Dunno if other people get static shocks as often as I do. I never used to have this at all and suddenly I'm getting it daily nowadays. Wonder why.

~ Close of Negative Electrons Love Me entry ~



  1. I get them alot too lately. @_@

  2. I used to get a lot of static shocks when I worked in an office some years ago. I recall once handing a pair of scissors to someone and seeing a charge jump across to their fingers just before they took hold!

    I liked to think it was because I was a bright spark, but it all boiled down to a combination of synthetic carpet and metal desks!

  3. Hi Terry, are you taking measures to prevent them? If so, what do u do?

    Hi Anonymous, thanks, maybe I should change some stuff in my car
