31 Dec 2007, Mon
Received my work specifics for 2008.
1. The tt tcr had overlooked my form in which I had asked for a different level. When questioned about this, she conveniently promised to fulfill my request in 2009. So I had to wait for a whole year? What the heck?!
2. I also got the special class.
3 Jan 2008, Thu
There were clashes in the tt so she had to re-do it :)
1. I had the chance to ask for a change.
2. Found out that from this year on there is no special class anymore. They're scattered all over now.
1. She tried to make adjustments but it couldn't be helped and I had to stay in the same level.
9 Jan 2008, Wed
Out of the blue, I was asked to switch sessions beginning coming Monday. No warning, no nothing.
1. I've been in the p.m. session for years and have never handled a.m. session teens except to sit in.
2. It'd be an almost new working environment - new room, a different group of people around me, new team, new work material I'm not familiar with - major adjustment!
3. I hear it's a lot busier, a lot more stressful.
4. I also hear that the a.m. team is an uncooperative, unkind lot.
5. I'll have to sleep ideally by 9.30pm and wake up at 5.30am. So no more late nights and sleeping in till late!
1. Timewise, it's much better because I'll have better quality 'free' time in the p.m. So yeah, I can go shopping and such?
2. Some fools think the a.m is more 'glam'. So I should be flattered & take it as a compliment.
3. They er... 'chose' me... so I should feel proud of myself :P
4. Busier and more stressful, uncooperative and unkind team - these are just hearsay. Give it a chance first and I might be surprised to find they're all great.
5. Don't complain about the bedtime. Afterall, it used to be your bedtime. When you were 10 years old that is. It's one of your resolutions to sleep and wake at the same times this year anyway.
6. Don't take going to the a.m. as a permanent thing. Who knows, I can get back to the p.m. again.
7. So yeah, treat this as an advantageous new experience.
Right, right, right.