Saturday, December 22, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
Aristocat Funnies

In fond memory of Aristocat, our family Siamese cat from 8 May 2005 to 11 September 2006. Made by special request from Mum by Windchaser.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Mdm. Tabby Grey-White Series
Road Runner: Windchaser)
Was in the backyard this morning. When Madam Tabby Grey-White, the stray who is Aristocat' mum, saw me from outside the fence, she mewed. I mewed back. She mewed again. And soon we were having a conversation in cat language. I didn't myself understand what I was saying (since I don't know mew meanings) but I guess it must have been something good because Mdm. Tabby soon circled the entire fence looking for an opening big enough for her to come in. She finally found it at the side of the house and came in to me. So we played a while but out of a sudden as I patted her, she bit me! Then I smacked her with my hand and went into the house. She tried to follow me, looking kinda confused hehe...

Sunday, December 2, 2007
Salut :)
Aujourd'hui, j'essaye blog en français :)
(Today, I'll try to blog in French :) )
Bushtails est un blogstar. Il est riche. Il a une petite caverne. C'est une mine de diamants. Bushtails est un chat. Il est grand et sportif. (Bushtails is a blogstar. He is rich. He has a little cave. It is a diamond mine. Bushtails is a cat. He is great and sporty.)

Brutus est un chat heureux. Il habite à PJ. Il a une amie jaune et jolie. Il travaille et gagne de l'argent. Brustus est un ingénieur de monorail. Samedi sar, il va au concert de jazz avec ses amis. (Brutus is a happy cat. He lives in PJ. He has a yellow & pretty friend. He works for money. Brutus is a monorail engineer. Next Saturday, he is going to a jazz concert with his friends.)
(Today, I'll try to blog in French :) )
Bushtails est un blogstar. Il est riche. Il a une petite caverne. C'est une mine de diamants. Bushtails est un chat. Il est grand et sportif. (Bushtails is a blogstar. He is rich. He has a little cave. It is a diamond mine. Bushtails is a cat. He is great and sporty.)
Snowcat est une amie de Bushtails. Elle est une exploratrice. Elle est un chat aussi. Elle est jolie. (Snowcat is a friend of Bushtails'. She is an explorer. She is a cat also. She is pretty.)

Brutus est un chat heureux. Il habite à PJ. Il a une amie jaune et jolie. Il travaille et gagne de l'argent. Brustus est un ingénieur de monorail. Samedi sar, il va au concert de jazz avec ses amis. (Brutus is a happy cat. He lives in PJ. He has a yellow & pretty friend. He works for money. Brutus is a monorail engineer. Next Saturday, he is going to a jazz concert with his friends.)
Pardonnez mon français faible. Merci. (Pardon my poor French. Thank you.)
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